Why Medical Eye Exams Are Important

Posted on: 16 September 2022

When you hear the term "eye exam" you may imagine a vision test — a test in which the eye doctor assesses how well you can see with either or both eyes. This type of eye exam, otherwise known as a vision test, is important. However, you should also be sure to schedule regular medical eye exams with your eye doctor. A medical eye exam goes beyond vision assessment and examines the overall health of your eyes. [Read More]

Hearing Starting To Fade? How Hearing Aids Can Help

Posted on: 15 August 2022

Your five primary senses are there to help you interact with the world. When your senses are sharp you're able to detect danger at a glance and can hear sounds to let you know someone is approaching. If you've always been able to hear very well it can come as a bit of a surprise when that begins to fail. You might notice that you're starting to turn the television and radio up to higher levels than before and you may even miss a few phone calls because you didn't hear the ring. [Read More]

Taking Advantage Of What Professional Dementia Memory Care Can Offer

Posted on: 14 June 2022

It can be a struggle to take care of a loved one who suffers from dementia. You want to keep this person safe and comfortable at home. However, you also might feel overwhelmed with the level of attention this person requires as they gradually lose their ability to remember basic details.  You may find you cannot handle this person's daily upkeep alone. It might suit both of you better to enlist the services of a professional dementia memory care facility for your relative. [Read More]

Standare And Transmission-Based Precautions: What You Need To Know

Posted on: 7 June 2022

Infection control is a crucial department in a hospital setting. Effective infection control reduces the risk of transmission of any hazardous materials or illnesses between patients, employees, and anyone else who is in the facility. There is typically a tiered approach when it comes to reducing the spread of infection. The facility should take standard safety precautions while also taking special transmission-based precautions to avoid transmitting disease. Here are some things you need to know: [Read More]