What To Do If You'Re Having Overly Painful Periods

Posted on: 22 April 2020

Painful periods are something that many women go through to the point where they can become debilitating. If you're unable to accomplish your daily goals because you're cooped up in bed trying to cope with the pain, then you need to make a change. No woman should have to go through agony every month. Here's what you should do to get help. Get Screened The first thing you should do is visit your regular doctor and talk to them about the problem. [Read More]

Tips for Recovering From Joint Replacement Surgery

Posted on: 22 April 2020

Joint replacement surgery sometimes becomes necessary as you age or due to an injury. If you are about to get this type of surgery, there is little doubt that you will see an improvement in your movements once you are recovered. However, getting to the results phase requires that you pass through the recovery phase. The recovery phase can be difficult; here is what you need to know to get through it. [Read More]

How Allergies Can Exacerbate Asthma

Posted on: 22 April 2020

If you have asthma, then in addition to see your asthma care services professional on a regular basis, you will need to visit an allergy services specialist as well. This is because having allergies can exacerbate your asthma. While many asthmatics grow out of it once they reach adulthood, some are lifelong sufferers. Here are some ways your allergies can worsen the symptoms of your asthma.  Thick Mucus Production Allergic reactions often cause a runny nose, nasal congestion, and increased mucus production. [Read More]

Stop Back Pain With Interventional Injections

Posted on: 22 April 2020

You have tried everything: over-the-counter medications, massage, and physical therapy. You have even talked to your doctor, and yet the pain is still there. Millions of Americans live each day with chronic pain located in the back, hips, knees, or other joints. This can be extremely challenging for these individuals as well as their families since it may limit their ability to do the things that they want/need to do. Thankfully, some physicians and pain management clinics offer interventional injection services, which is a way to treat chronic pain. [Read More]