Do You Have Nervous Stomach Or Something More Serious?

Posted on: 23 April 2020

If you have been experiencing an unusual amount of stress, then you could suffer from a nervous stomach. Emotional stress affects your entire gastrointestinal tract and cause unpleasant sensations. Think of all the times you've had "butterflies in your stomach" when faced with a sudden stress situation like public speaking. That's a nervous stomach on a small scale. It's important to know the difference between a nervous stomach and other conditions that need a gastroenterologist's intervention. [Read More]

4 Antibacterial Products That Can Help Acne

Posted on: 23 April 2020

Many people aim to use natural products in their skincare regimen, but when you deal with acne, it can be harder to find natural products that work. Fortunately, there are several natural products that have antibacterial properties and work well at reducing acne. Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is a strong antibacterial product that is typically not used alone, but you can find it in products or diluted with a carrier oil. [Read More]

What To Do If You Think You Have Chicken Pox As An Adult

Posted on: 22 April 2020

Chicken pox is becoming a disease that no one ever gets anymore, thanks to vaccination. But it's not impossible to catch it from someone, usually a child, who is sick with it. If you think you might have the chicken pox, you should know that you need to take extra care because it's harder on adults than it is on children. Here's what you need to do. Get Medical Attention [Read More]

3 Ways Leukapheresis Is Used

Posted on: 22 April 2020

Leukapheresis is the process of separating the leukocytes from the rest of the blood. Once the leukocytes are separated, they are used in various ways to help patients, often when other treatment options are inadequate or have failed. Cancer Leukapheresis can be used as a temporary management strategy in certain types of cancer like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In CLL, the body produces an increased number of abnormal lymphocytes. Most cases of CLL advance slowly, only requiring treatment when symptoms are severe or the cancer is more advanced. [Read More]