5 Tips For Great Mental Health When Handling Addiction Recovery

Posted on: 27 April 2020

Your mental health impacts your overall health. Your brain health is as important as taking care of the rest of your body. When you are working on recovering from an addiction, it is important to take care of your mental health as well. As you work with your recovery team in-person or via a telehealth app, keep the tips below in mind. 

Tip #1: Drink Lots of Water

First, make sure you are drinking water regularly. You need to make sure that you regularly drink water, as water helps keep your brain and your body hydrated.

It is easy to drink a lot of water if you keep water on hand. Many people find carrying a water bottle with them can help them drink enough water. If you don't enjoy drinking regular water, you can get a water bottle that allows you to infuse fruit or tea into your drink so you can slightly flavored water.

Remember, you can also get water from the fruits and vegetables you eat, as well as other food that you consume during the day. However, drinking water is necessary to stay well-hydrated.

Tip #2: Exercise on a Regular Basis

Next, you should create a regular exercise schedule. You don't need to do cross-fit classes to stay active. Literally, any amount of exercise is better than no exercise. Taking a fifteen-minute walk every day is better than not walking at all.

The key is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make sure that you engage in that exercise on a weekly basis. Exercising is good for your mental health as well as your physical health.

Tip #3: Eat a Healthy Diet

Third, try to embrace a healthy diet. Keep in mind that eating healthy is about making healthy choices on a regular basis, not following a particular type of diet. Incorporate as many fruits, vegetables, grains, and other non-processed foods as possible.

Work to slowly incorporate more healthy foods into your diet. Many people find learning how to cook, and making their own foods, can help them embrace a healthier diet.

Tip #4: Work on Being Grateful

When you focus on being grateful, it can really help your mental health and can help you focus on the positive things in life. You can start a gratitude journal, where you write down at least one thing each day that you are grateful for. Or you can make a gratitude list and read that list every day. Focusing on what you are grateful for improves your mental health, your relationships, and even help you fall asleep more peacefully at night.

Tip #5: Get Lots of Laughs

Finally, keep in mind that laughing is good for your body. Laughing is an easy way to release dopamine in your brain, which can help you feel and be happier. Get in some more laughs in your life is by watching a show you find funny, taking in a live comedy show, or just hanging out with friends who make you happy.

There are many ways to take care of your mental health. Be sure to drink lots of water, exercise on a regular basis, and eat a healthy diet. Work on being grateful and be sure to in lots of laughs every day. These simple things can really help your brain. Continue to work with your medicinal team over a telehealth network to keep you on track with other strategies for helping with your addiction recovery.  
