What You Should Know About PRP Injections & Treatment

Posted on: 24 April 2020

Platelet-rich plasma injections, also known as PRP injections, can be a useful treatment for many different reasons. If you are thinking about injections, you might have a lot of questions left. Want to learn more? Check out the answers to these questions for more information. To understand PRP injections, it is important to understand the many components involved.

What Is Plasma?

Plasma is the liquid part of your blood. Plasma is made up of water and protein, which transport your platelets and blood cells around the body. Some people donate plasma, which is a process in which the platelets and plasma are separated from each other.

What Are Platelets?

Platelets are the blood cells in your body that allow your blood to clot when you have an injury. Platelets are important for growth and healing, and doctors try to use platelets in injection to promote healing in specific parts of the body.

So, What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

PRP injections include platelet-rich plasma (the PRP). The injection contains the patient's platelets in a concentrated form. The goal of PRP injections is to heal joints, muscles, ligaments, and more. When somebody experiences a soft-tissue injury, PRP injections may be helpful.

What Else Can PRP Injections Do?

PRP injections may also be helpful for reducing pain in people with chronic pain and conditions. These conditions include tendonitis, tennis elbow, and tendinosis. This means that people with these conditions may be taking fewer medications, including opioids.

Many people who are athletes or otherwise in physical positions may use PRP injections to relieve pain and address serious issues. Promoting healing may allow them to return to their sport or to work more quickly, which can be important in specific fields.

Are There PRP Injection Side Effects?

There are some side effects associated with PRP injections, but they are minimal thanks to the fact that the injections use your own blood. There is not really a chance that your body will negatively react to your own platelets. Of course, no treatment method is without any risk.

What Should I Do Next?

PRP treatment has a promising future, and it may be a good idea to ask your doctor about it if you have a lot of pain. Your pain is valid, and there may be a treatment for it. Make an appointment today to discuss PRP injections and potential treatment options that will help you deal with your pain.
