Skin Tags In Children: What Parents Should Know

Posted on: 16 June 2020

For the most part, skin tags in children are more of a cosmetic nuisance than they are a health crisis. However, as a concerned parent, it is always best to err on the side of caution to keep your child's health and safety the utmost priority. If your child has developed a skin tag, here is some of the important information you should know.

Understand Risk Factors

It is important to understand that a skin tag can develop on any child as there are plenty of causes behind these growths. However, it is also worth noting that some children are at an increased risk. Children whose parents also had skin tags are more likely to develop them too, so if you also have skin tags, genetics could be to blame. 

Children who are overweight are also more prone to skin tags, especially those that develop within the skin folds due to friction and chafing. If your child fits into any of these categories, it may be the reason for this growth. Speak with a child doctor about your child's specific risks.

Consider Removal

Again, skin tags are typically not a cause for concern. Yet, in young children or situations where the skin tag is in an uncomfortable spot, you might want to consider removing the skin tag in order to provide your child with some relief from irritation. 

One of the more common removal methods for children is the freezing technique. During this procedure, liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the skin tag. Over time, the nitrogen freezes the skin tag and it falls off on its own.

Monitor for Red Flags

Make sure you continue to monitor the skin tag, even if your child is not complaining. Sometimes a skin tag can indicate something more serious is going on within the body, such as cancer or an infection. 

In these instances, the skin might feel warm to the touch, be red, or have a pus-like liquid secreting from it. If you notice any of these red flags, it is important to understand that these symptoms are not characteristic of a normal skin tag and closer examination by a medical professional is necessary. 

Remember, whenever you have a concern, it is always best to speak with a physician. There is no concern too large or small for your child's care provider to address. Most importantly, if the child is displaying any alarming concerns, seek medical treatment as soon as possible. 
