Addiction Therapy Can Help Competitive Athletes Suffering A Cocaine Addiction
Posted on: 20 April 2020
Staying competitive as an athlete often forces people to do things that they may not have considered doing otherwise. For example, some people may decide that cocaine is a good way to stay on the championship run, particularly if they are professional or semi-professional. Unfortunately, this drug can cause addiction and many health issues that require professional therapy to manage.
Cocaine Remains a Powerful Addictive Drug
Although cocaine is not considered one of the most heavily abused drugs, like it was in the past, there is still a very heavy market for this substance. For example, some competitive athletes may use it to get a rush during events, particularly important games. As a result, they may come to believe that they need this drug to stay competitive and may abuse it heavily throughout a lengthy sports season.
Unfortunately, these individuals are doing damage to their health, particularly their heart, and may end up experiencing many problems that can be difficult to overcome. Heart attacks, strokes, and much more are all connected to cocaine abuse, particularly when combined with heavy exercise. As a result, it may be necessary to get drug addiction therapy to manage this issue as soon as possible.
How Therapy Can Help
Addiction recovery therapy is a process that has become very popular for those with cocaine addiction. For example, it can handle the physical, emotional, and spiritual elements of addiction. These latter two are particularly important, as emotional addiction — the belief that coke is necessary to succeed in a sport — are often more potent in cocaine abuse than the physical rush.
And while in therapy, these individuals can also get other types of medical help. For example, they can assess the damage that they may have done to their body with rigorous physical therapy sessions. This care option helps to make it easier for an athlete to bounce back from these issues by focusing on the proper type of recovery from a professional who they can trust to manage this concern.
Just as importantly, athletes going through this type of treatment can also get career training if addiction has ended their competitive drive. For example, some leagues may ban a player if they test positive for certain drugs, which may require this individual to get specialized job placement help in rehab to avoid losing too much money as a result of their unfortunate career downturn.
Contact an addiction recovery center near you for more information.